Catalog of Learning Labels

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Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points ™ Views
10/9/2023 HS Cell Membrane Color Sheet and Build a Cell Membrane TeachEngineering Color-code a schematic of a cell and its cell membrane structures. Applied Science, Written Communication, Chemistry, Data Analysis, Problem Solving 6 461
10/13/2023 HS Molecular Models and 3D Printing TeachEngineering Challenge to use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create “complete” 3D-printed molecule models that take into consideration bond angles and lone-pair positioning. Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication 21 451
10/13/2023 HS The Pirates of Prosthetics: Peg Legs and Hooks TeachEngineering Introduced to prosthetics—history, purpose and benefits, main components, main types, materials, control methods, modern examples. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Research 4 445
10/13/2023 HS Design Step 2: Research the Problem TeachEngineering Use a body of knowledge about the problem to generate product design ideas. Research, Applied Science, Written Communication, Teamwork 6 466
10/13/2023 HS Navigating by the Numbers TeachEngineering Learn that math is important in navigation and engineering. Research, Accuracy, Mathematics, Problem Solving 6 458
10/12/2023 HS Handheld Trigonometry TeachEngineering Learn the concept of similar right triangles and how they apply to trigonometric ratios. Mathematics, Problem Solving, Accuracy, Observation 4 445
10/15/2023 MS Making GPS Art: Draw It, Walk It, Log It, Display It! TeachEnginnering Design logos, pictures or other graphic images and then use handheld GPS receivers to map them Troubleshooting, Accuracy, Problem Solving, Mathematics 4 427
10/13/2023 MS Grow Your Own Algae! TeachEngineering Discover how tiny microscopic plants can remove nutrients from polluted water. Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication, Chemistry, Troubleshooting 5 477
10/15/2023 MS Topo Map Mania! TeachEnginnering Learn how to read and use topographical maps. Learn to identify the common features of a map. Accuracy, Mathematics, Problem Solving 5 468
10/12/2023 MS Tools and Equipment, Part I TeachEngineering Create a design for a ramp at a construction site by measuring four different inclined planes and calculating the ideal mechanical advantage versus the actual mechanical Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Physics 5 435

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