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Catalog of Learning Labels

Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points Views
10/13/2023 MS Soapy Stress TeachEngineering Experience the three types of material stress related to rocks—tensional, compressional and shear Teamwork, Research, Observation, Science 4 722
10/29/2023 HS Designing a Thermostat TeachEngineering Investigate circuits and their components by building a basic thermostat. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Research, Physics 15 670
10/9/2023 MS Red Cabbage Chemistry TeachEngineering Identify the natural ability of red cabbage juice to perform as a pH indicator to test the pH of seven common household liquids Chemistry, Accuracy, Problem Solving 5 757
10/13/2023 HS Eat Iron?! TeachEngineering Gain an understanding of mixtures and the concept of separation of mixtures. Teamwork, Troubleshooting, Chemistry 4 716
10/9/2023 HS Swinging on a String TeachEngineering Understand how pendulums work and why they are useful in everyday applications Applied Science, Physics, Mathematics 5 724
10/13/2023 MS Not So Simple TeachEngineering Move from the understanding of simple machines with an introduction to compound machines. Critical Thinking, Mathematics, Physics 3 781
10/15/2023 HS Let's Make Silly Putty TeachEnginnering Make two different formulations of imitation Silly Putty with varying degrees of cross-linking. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Observation, Chemistry 8 763
10/13/2023 MS Viral Hijackers TeachEngineering Learn how viruses invade host cells and hijack their cell-reproduction mechanisms in order to make new viruses, which can in turn attack additional host cells. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 5 723
10/13/2023 HS Superhydrophobicity — The Lotus Effect TeachEngineering Introduced to superhydrophobic surfaces and the "lotus effect." Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 4 782
10/15/2023 HS Design a Bicycle Helmet TeachEnginnering Introduced to the biomechanical characteristics of helmets, and are challenged to incorporate them into designs for helmets used for various applications. Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication, Engineering 11 736

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