Catalog of Learning Labels

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Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points ™ Views
7/14/2024 HS Applying Statistics to Nano-Circuit Dimensions in Fabrication TeachEngineering Test the statistical significance of the difference in circuit dimensions, as well as obtain a correlation between average changes in original vs. printed circuits' widths. Data Analysis, MS Excel, Mathematics, Electrical Systems 39 136
10/11/2023 HS Forced to Fracture TeachEngineering Learn how forces affect the human skeletal system through fractures and why certain bones are more likely to break than others Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 4 536
10/12/2023 HS Volume & Data: Build the Biggest Box Using One Piece of Paper TeachEngineering Understand the concept of volume in their designs—everything from product packaging and fuel tank sizing to inventory organization and sports arena layout. Teamwork, Mathematics, Problem Solving 5 509
10/13/2023 MS Rock Solid TeachEngineering Introduction to three types of material stress related to rocks: compressional, torsional and shear. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Observation 5 507
11/1/2023 HS Edison Lamp in 3 Hours Instructables Make a stylish, minimal table lamp. Electrical Systems, Observation, Problem Solving, Woodworking 24 438
10/13/2023 HS Don't Be a Square TeachEngineering Use of Punnett squares to predict genetic trait inheritance. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Chemistry 4 560
10/13/2023 HS Make That Invisible! Refractive Index Matching TeachEngineering Determine the refractive index of a liquid with a simple technique using a semi-circular hollow block. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Teamwork 25 502
10/12/2023 HS Navigating by the Numbers TeachEngineering Learn that math is important in navigation and engineering. Mathematics, Accuracy 5 519
10/10/2023 HS Creating Silver Nanoparticles TeachEngineering Create silver nanoparticles using a chemical process; use empirical evidence and reasoning to discover them. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Problem Solving, Chemistry 36 573
10/15/2023 HS Putting It All Together: Programming Robotics Peripheral Vision TeachEngineering The code solution takes two images captured by robots and combines them to create an image. Programming, Mathematics, Applied Science, Written Communication 39 536

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