Catalog of Learning Labels

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Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points ™ Views
10/13/2023 HS Navigating by the Numbers TeachEngineering Learn that math is important in navigation and engineering. Research, Accuracy, Mathematics, Problem Solving 6 549
10/10/2023 HS Trust in the Truss: Design a Wooden Bridge TeachEngineering Design, construct, and test the strength of a wooden truss bridge and satisfy certain conditions like span, strength, and cost Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Engineering, Problem Solving 46 558
11/1/2023 HS DIY Electro-Magnetic Levitation! Instructables Build an electromagnetic levitator. Electrical Systems, Observation, Physics, Troubleshooting 38 475
10/15/2023 HS Balloons TeachEnginnering Follow the steps of the engineering design process as they design and construct balloons for aerial surveillance. Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication, Engineering, Mathematics 104 493
10/29/2023 HS Organic Solar Energy and Berries TeachEngineering Learn about how a device made with dye from a plant, can be used to convert light energy into electricity. Applied Science, Troubleshooting, Chemistry, Team Building 5 448
10/13/2023 HS Eat Iron?! TeachEngineering Gain an understanding of mixtures and the concept of separation of mixtures. Teamwork, Troubleshooting, Chemistry 4 514
10/31/2023 MS Popsicle Stick Catapult Instructables Construct a functioning catapult and learn about potential and kinetic energy through the use of the catapult. Physics, Troubleshooting, Problem Solving 10 439
10/13/2023 HS Rock Candy Your Body: Exploring Crystallization TeachEngineering See and learn how crystallization and inhibition occur by making sugar crystals with and without additives in a supersaturation solution. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 12 495
11/1/2023 HS Arduino MPPT Solar Charge Controller Instructables Build an Arduino based Solar MPPT charge controller. Engineering, Mathematics, Troubleshooting, Physics, Monitoring, Problem Solving 182 518
10/12/2023 HS Everyday Polymers TeachEngineering Learn the chemical identities of polymeric materials frequently used in their everyday lives Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Chemistry, Research 6 562

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