Catalog of Learning Labels

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Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points ™ Views
10/11/2023 HS Archimedes' Principle, Pascal's Law and Bernoulli's Principle TeachEngineering Introduced to Pascal's law, Archimedes' principle and Bernoulli's principle Problem Solving, Chemistry, Quantitative, Physics 17 477
10/31/2023 HS How to Make the Mini Metal Foundry Instructables Make a simple backyard foundry for melting pop cans, and casting aluminum. Troubleshooting, Engineering, Problem Solving 90 352
10/9/2023 HS Building a Piezoelectric Generator TeachEngineering Piezoelectric materials are able to transform mechanical energy into electrical energy, and vice versa. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 5 473
10/12/2023 HS Bio-Engineering: Making and Testing Model Proteins TeachEngineering Follow the steps of the engineering design process to design and create protein models to replace the defective proteins in a child’s body Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication, Accuracy 12 472
10/10/2023 HS Catapults! TeachEngineering Observe the relationship between the angle of a catapult (a force measurement) and the flight of a cotton ball. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Physics, Troubleshooting 6 471
10/9/2023 MS Red Light, Green Light: Forces of Friction, Roads & Tires TeachEngineering Learn about the force of friction, specifically with respect to cars. Applied Science, Physics 5 484
3/16/2021 CL Test Use of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Teacher Ryan Test literacy skills for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator software programs Graphic Design, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop 24 701
10/15/2023 HS Power Your House with Water TeachEnginnering Learn how engineers design devices that use water to generate electricity by building model water turbines and measuring the resulting current produced in a motor. Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication 22 474
10/12/2023 MS Tools and Equipment, Part I TeachEngineering Create a design for a ramp at a construction site by measuring four different inclined planes and calculating the ideal mechanical advantage versus the actual mechanical Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Physics 5 435
10/15/2023 HS Pump It! Design-Build-Test Helpful Village Water Pumps TeachEnginnering Keep track of their materials costs, and calculate power and cost efficiencies of the prototype pumps. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Engineering 62 431

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