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Catalog of Learning Labels

Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points Views
10/9/2023 MS Red Cabbage Chemistry TeachEngineering Identify the natural ability of red cabbage juice to perform as a pH indicator to test the pH of seven common household liquids Chemistry, Accuracy, Problem Solving 5 757
10/9/2023 MS Red Light, Green Light: Forces of Friction, Roads & Tires TeachEngineering Learn about the force of friction, specifically with respect to cars. Applied Science, Physics 5 772
10/13/2023 MS Rock Solid TeachEngineering Introduction to three types of material stress related to rocks: compressional, torsional and shear. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Observation 5 714
10/12/2023 MS Rube Goldberg and the Meaning of Machines TeachEngineering Evaluate the importance and usefulness of the many machines in the world around them. Problem Solving, Mathematics, Critical Thinking, Physics 5 718
10/29/2023 MS Sliding and Stuttering TeachEngineering Use a spring scale to drag an object such as a ceramic coffee cup along a table top or the floor. Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication 5 649
10/13/2023 MS Soapy Stress TeachEngineering Experience the three types of material stress related to rocks—tensional, compressional and shear Teamwork, Research, Observation, Science 4 722
10/13/2023 MS Solar Sails: The Future of Space Trave TeachEngineering Design and construct model solar sails made of aluminum foil to move cardboard tube satellites through “space” on a string. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Researching, Problem Solving, Observation, Teamwork 9 739
10/13/2023 MS Strong as the Weakest Link TeachEngineering Introduce the two types of stress that materials undergo — compression and tension. Physics, Critical Thinking, Mathematics, Engineering 6 738
10/12/2023 MS Swing in Time TeachEngineering See the motion of pendulums and come to understand that the longer the pendulum string, the fewer the number of swings in a given time interval. Research, Troubleshooting, Physics, Mathematics 5 720
10/9/2023 MS The Advantage of Machines TeachEngineering Learn about work as defined by physical science and see that work is made easier through the use of simple machines. Engineering, Problem Solving 2 799

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