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Catalog of Learning Labels

Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points Views
10/11/2023 HS All Sorts of Mutations: Changes in the Genetic Code TeachEngineering Learn about mutations to both DNA and chromosomes, and uncontrolled changes to the genetic code. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 4 793
10/13/2023 HS Bone Fractures and Engineering TeachEngineering Learn about the role engineers and engineering play in repairing severe bone fractures. Mathematics, Repairing, Engineering 4 740
10/13/2023 HS Buoyancy & Pressure in Fluids: Soda Bottle Cartesian Diver TeachEngineering Observe Pascal's law, Archimedes' principle and the ideal gas law as a Cartesian diver moves within a closed system. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Teamwork 4 721
10/13/2023 MS Can You Take the Pressure? TeachEngineering Introduced to the concept of air pressure and use the associated activity to see how it is affected by different variables. Research, Mathematics, Physics 4 831
10/13/2023 HS Don't Be a Square TeachEngineering Use of Punnett squares to predict genetic trait inheritance. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Chemistry 4 764
10/13/2023 HS Eat Iron?! TeachEngineering Gain an understanding of mixtures and the concept of separation of mixtures. Teamwork, Troubleshooting, Chemistry 4 715
10/9/2023 HS Element, Mixture, Compound TeachEngineering Gain a better understanding of the different types of materials as pure substances and mixtures and learn to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures Problem Solving, Research, Chemistry 4 703
10/12/2023 HS Engineering Scaling Removal Using Citric Acid TeachEngineering Find a safe way to remove surface scalants like calcium carbonate that is both effective and safe. Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication 4 727
10/9/2023 MS Exploring Light: Absorb, Reflect, Transmit or Refract? TeachEngineering See light's properties of absorption, reflection, transmission and refraction through various experimental stations within the classroom Applied Science, Reflection, Physics 4 722
10/11/2023 HS Forced to Fracture TeachEngineering Learn how forces affect the human skeletal system through fractures and why certain bones are more likely to break than others Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 4 735

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