Catalog of Learning Labels

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Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points ™ Views
10/11/2023 HS Cell Membrane Structure and Function TeachEngineering Learn about the different structures that comprise cell membranes, fulfilling part of the Research and Revise stages of the legacy cycle. Applied Science, Written Communication, Chemistry, Research, Problem Solving 6 472
10/10/2023 HS Collisions and Momentum: Bouncing Balls TeachEngineering Introduces the concepts of momentum, elastic and inelastic collisions Applied Science, Mathematics, Written Communication, Physics 6 469
10/10/2023 MS Density Column Lab - Part 1 TeachEngineering Use triple balance beams and graduated cylinders to take measurements and calculate the densities of several common, irregularly shaped objects. Problem Solving, Troubleshooting, Physics 6 481
9/25/2023 HS Design a Catapult TeachEngineering What is potential energy? Potential energy is energy that is stored and can be turned into kinetic energy, the energy of motion. Engineering, Mathematics, Science, Physics, Accuracy 6 480
10/13/2023 HS Design Step 2: Research the Problem TeachEngineering Use a body of knowledge about the problem to generate product design ideas. Research, Applied Science, Written Communication, Teamwork 6 473
10/10/2023 HS Drawing Designs in Detail TeachEngineering Practice creating rudimentary detail drawings Mathematics, Drafting, Engineering 6 492
10/11/2023 HS Earthquakes Living Lab: Finding Epicenters & Measuring Magnitudes TeachEngineering Learn how engineers characterize earthquakes through seismic data. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Team Building 6 501
10/12/2023 HS Everyday Polymers TeachEngineering Learn the chemical identities of polymeric materials frequently used in their everyday lives Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Chemistry, Research 6 492
10/29/2023 HS Feel the Stress TeachEngineering Learn the concept of stress (compression) through physical experience and math. Mathematics, Problem Solving, Troubleshooting, Applied Science 6 446
10/11/2023 HS Heat Transfer: No Magic About It TeachEngineering Learn the scientific concepts of temperature, heat, and heat transfer through conduction, convection and radiation. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Research, Physics 6 466

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