Catalog of Learning Labels

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Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points ™ Views
10/13/2023 HS Zero-Energy Housing TeachEngineering Investigate passive solar building design with a focus solely on heating. Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication, Observation, Creative Thinking, Troubleshooting 46 496
10/29/2023 MS Yeast Cells Respire Too (But Not Like Me and You) TeachEngineering Set up a simple way to indirectly observe and quantify the amount of respiration occurring in yeast-molasses cultures. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Critical Thinking 9 441
12/19/2021 CL Write a Business Memo Professor Ryan Write and compose a standard business memo. Technical Writing, Business Management, Attention to Detail, Problem Solving, Research 272 569
10/13/2023 MS Windy Tunnel TeachEngineering Use computers and an online virtual wind tunnel to see the influence of camber and airfoil angle of attack on lift. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Teamwork 5 461
10/29/2023 HS What's the Conductivity of Gatorade? TeachEngineering Use conductivity meters to measure various salt and water solutions Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Teamwork 6 378
10/29/2023 HS What Makes Our Bones Strong? TeachEngineering Determine what keeps our bones strong. Problem Solving, Biology, Applied Science 9 371
10/13/2023 MS What Makes Airplanes Fly? TeachEngineering Understand the idea of a force - drag, gravity and weight. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Physics, Problem Solving 6 448
10/12/2023 MS What Floats Your Boat? TeachEngineering Use modeling clay, a material that is denser than water and thus ordinarily sinks in water, to discover the principle of buoyancy. Observation, Mathematics, Physics 5 514
10/13/2023 HS Wetting and Contact Angle TeachEngineering Observe how different surfaces are used to maintain visibility under different conditions. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Physics 5 474
10/10/2023 MS Waves and Wave Properties TeachEngineering Learn about the types of waves and how they change direction, as well as basic wave properties such as wavelength, frequency, amplitude and speed. Applied Science, Written Communication 7 471

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