Climate: The Change We NeedPBLWorksProblem Set...Research human behavior and scientific causes behind climate change, its impacts on the environment and society. Suggested LearningEstimated Time to Consume Resource...Time18 : 00 HoursEstimated Cost for Resource...CostFreeName of Skill (Mousever Context in applying Skill...SkillsItensity and Frequency in Applying Skill...FocusLevel of Difficulty in Applying Skill...LevelEducation / Higher Education / Training Standards Applying Skill...StandardSkill Points Earned After Completing Requirements...PointsTechnicalEnvironmental EngineeringFocus: 18%Intermediate28TechnicalResearch Emerging TrendsFocus: 18%Intermediate28TransferableData AnalysisFocus: 12%Intermediate17ThinkingAnalytical ThinkingFocus: 12%Intermediate17TransferableCollaborationFocus: 12%Intermediate17TransferableProblem SolvingFocus: 12%Intermediate17TransferablePrioritizingFocus: 6%Intermediate8TransferableTechnical WritingFocus: 6%Intermediate8TransferablePresentationsFocus: 6%Intermediate8...Total Skill Points:148Facts and Information and Perspectives Learned...Knowledge GainIdentify a specific solution for climate change. Gather data and create infographics outlining the costs, benefits, and steps needed to implement their selected solution. Live Link to the Resource...Resource Link Label™ Patent 11587190
Period (Dates): No Dates Assigned.
Interaction: Individual
Label Type: Main Label
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