Make That Invisible! Refractive Index Matching
Make That Invisible! Refractive Index Matching TeachEngineering Project... Determine the refractive index of a liquid with a simple technique using a semi-circular hollow block. Suggested Learning 3 : 15 Hours FreeTechnical Applied Science Focus: 50% Intermediate Standards: HS-PS4 NGSS 13Transferable Written Communication Focus: 17% Intermediate Standards: RST.11-12.7 C C 4Transferable Mathematics Focus: 17% Intermediate Standards: MP.2...MP.4...HSA-SSE.A.1...HSA-SSE.B.3...HSA-CED.A.4 C C 4Transferable Teamwork Focus: 17% Intermediate 4 25 Determine the relationship of the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction between two different media. Skills Label™ Patent 11587190
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