Career/Technical Education Teacher, Postsecondary (Formal)Director Of Education - IVJob Skill RequirementsSpecified Duration of Work (If Any)...Duration-Compensation Type, Rate, and Annualized Result...Compensation- - - Required Prior Experience (Education and Training)...ExperienceSkills That Will Be Applied in First Year on the Job...1st YearApplication of Education and Training Standards...StandardsName of Skill...SkillsHours and Points are in Thousands...(in Thousands)Required Completion of Credential (degree, certification, badge)...CredentialLevel of Achievement (High School, College, and Professional) and Sub Level (1-5)...LevelTotal Hours Practicing Skill...HoursSum of Required Skill Points...PointsFirst Year Usage in Applying the Skill...UsageFuture Sum of Skill Points Earned After First Year...PointsTechnicalManagement Of Personnel ResourcesGRPR-32.0191Daily/ 2D2270TechnicalCareer DevelopmentGRPR-33.52441Weekly/ 10W10270TechnicalLeadershipGRPR-33.01191Daily/ 2D2270TechnicalCurriculum DevelopmentGRPR-33.52441Monthly/ 10M1014TechnicalTrainingGRPR-31.5121Monthly/ 10M1014TechnicalSocial PerceptivenessGPPR-31.063Daily/ 1D168TechnicalGrant WritingGPPR-31.063Yearly/ 100Y10010TechnicalInstructional DesignGRPR-31.5121Monthly/ 10M1014TechnicalCollaborationGRPR-31.063Weekly/ 8W8173TechnicalJudgment And Decision MakingGPPR-31.063Monthly/ 10M1014TechnicalCommunity OutreachGPPR-31.5121Monthly/ 10M1014TechnicalEvaluate PerformanceGPPR-31.5121Monthly/ 10M1014TechnicalEmpathyGPPR-30.521Weekly/ 8W8173TechnicalEthical ComplianceGPPR-31.063Monthly/ 10M1014Brief Summary of the Job Description...Description - Link to The Actual Job Posting / Description...Job LinkSkills Label™ Patent 11587190 Job Label Template

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A Job Label is a complete ROI for a standard job listing lasting a year or less. Job Labels standardize what skills are required for both prior experience and first year application.

A template establishes baseline job requirements. A job posting and the company listing the job should have different requirements, so on a Job Label the referenced skills and their definitions change. Skills might get added or removed.

Use Job Labels to attract professionals. A clear advantage with Job Labels are they allow evaluations to consider not only a credential (degree or certificate), but whether workers are able to apply the necessary skills neeeded for the job.

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Use Skills Based Approach to prepare to learn, get, and verify the skills in 6 months to 2 years...