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Catalog of Learning Labels

Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points Views
10/12/2023 MS Forms of Linear Equations TeachEngineering Learn about four forms of equations: direct variation, incline-intercept form, standard form and point-incline form. Mathematics, Problem Solving, Quantitative 4 713
10/13/2023 MS Grow Your Own Algae! TeachEngineering Discover how tiny microscopic plants can remove nutrients from polluted water. Teamwork, Applied Science, Written Communication, Chemistry, Troubleshooting 5 759
10/12/2023 MS Heavy Helicopters TeachEngineering Learn about weight and drag forces by making paper helicopters and measuring how adding more weight affects the time it takes to land. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Team Building 5 707
10/12/2023 MS Introduction to Environmental Engineering TeachEngineering See the types of problems that environmental engineers solve, specifically focusing on air and land quality issues. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Chemistry 5 741
10/13/2023 MS Introduction to Water Chemistry TeachEngineering Learn types of problems that environmental engineers solve, specifically focusing on water quality issues. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Chemistry 5 709
10/12/2023 MS Just Plane Simple TeachEngineering Introduction to three of the six simple machines used by many engineers. Mathematics, Physics, Operations 4 744
10/10/2023 MS Levers That Lift TeachEngineering Introduced to three of the six simple machines used by many engineers: lever, pulley, and wheel-and-axle. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics 3 784
10/13/2023 MS Light Properties TeachEngineering Learn about the basic properties of light and how light interacts with objects. Applied Science, Written Communication, Observation, Research 11 670
10/15/2023 MS Machines and Tools, Part II TeachEnginnering Gain first-hand experience with the mechanical advantage of pulleys. Applied Science, Written Communication, Mathematics, Physics, Troubleshooting 6 730
10/15/2023 MS Making GPS Art: Draw It, Walk It, Log It, Display It! TeachEnginnering Design logos, pictures or other graphic images and then use handheld GPS receivers to map them Troubleshooting, Accuracy, Problem Solving, Mathematics 4 737

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