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Catalog of Learning Labels

Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points Views
10/9/2023 CL Introduction to Economics Education Publisher Primary textbook for classroom throughout the course. Economic Analysis, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Reading Comprehension 448 1226
10/31/2023 HS Air Powered Rocket Launchers V5.0 Instructables Learn aerodynamics of a rocket, simple trigonometry for height competitions, or more advanced math to calculate the rocket trajectory, Engineering, Troubleshooting, Mathematics, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving 433 662
11/1/2023 HS DIY Vacuum Robot Instructables Learn how to build a robot that that could be can modified, updated and programmed. Observation, Physics, Electrical Application, Programming, 3D Printing 426 674
11/10/2019 CL Create a Sales Plan Professor Ryan Construct a sales plan given information regarding a company. Business Strategy, Accounting, Analytical Thinking 418 1131
10/13/2023 HS Get Your Charge Away from Me! TeachEngineering Demonstrate the fundamental properties of polar and non-polar molecules (such as water and oil), how they interact, and the affect surfactants have on their interactions. Teamwork, Troubleshooting, Physics, Mathematics 322 764
9/26/2021 CL Manage a Stock Portfolio Teacher Ryan Manage a stock portfolio in this simulation Analytical Thinking, Business Strategy, Financial Analysis 311 888
11/23/2020 CL Learn HTML Framework Teacher Ryan Read the book Understanding HTML principles. Do the tutorial in Chapter 12. HTML 5, Critical Thinking, Web Design 273 1151
2/11/2022 CL Build a Database for an App Teacher Ryan Learn how to create a SQL LITE database Database Systems Knowledge, Problem Solving, MS SQL Server, Android 242 985
11/1/2023 HS How to Design and Build a Go Kart Instructables Work as a team to research, design and build a go kart, using sound engineering principals. Engineering, Collaboration, Mathematics, Problem Solving, Troubleshooting, Electrical Application 237 667
11/23/2020 CL Build an Online Store Website Teacher Ryan Use HTML, Javascript, and CSS to build a basic online store. Web Design, CSS, Javascript, HTML 5, Critical Thinking 224 1180

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