Catalog of Learning Labels

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Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points ™ Views
7/25/2024 HS Game Time PBLWorks Identify mathematics game designers need to create their games. Mathematics, Data Analysis, Programming, Technical Writing, Collaboration 189 52
7/25/2024 HS Principles of Professionalism and Ethics PBLWorks Identify professional ethics in the workplace. Critical Thinking, Ethical Compliance, Observation, Social Perceptiveness, Social Research, Professional Communication 181 52
7/25/2024 HS There's an App for That PBLWorks Create mobile app designs that help to address an authentic challenge in their community. Prototyping, UX Design, UI Testing, Teamwork, Research and Development, Product Discovery 182 52
7/25/2024 HS There’s WHAT in My Water PBLWorks Research chemicals in community water, identify how people and the environment are affected by these chemicals, and learn how the hazards got there. Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, Research, Observation, Technical Writing, Analytical Thinking, Community Outreach 167 50
7/25/2024 HS I Auto Save Some Money PBLWorks Work with clients to help them research and compare the true cost of purchasing different new and used vehicles Mathematics, Project Accounting, Financial Planning, Analytical Thinking, Negotiation, Technical Writing 139 49
7/25/2024 HS The Scoop on Our Stuff PBLWorks Research the origin of various everyday products/popular brand-name items and their costs. Economic Analysis, Research, Product Accounting, Cost Accounting, Product Evaluation, Observation 182 49
7/25/2024 HS Identify Hunger in a Community PBLWorks Create informative and persuasive messages to educate the local community and get them involved in addressing the issue of hunger. Technical Writing, Advocacy, Research, Community Outreach, Creating Promotional Materials, Social Research, Social Perceptiveness 177 47
7/25/2024 HS Ultimate Design Challenge PBLWorks Use the engineering-design process and geometric modeling to redesign a product’s packaging to render it more sustainable. Engineering Design, Packaging Engineering, Mathematics, Prototyping, Problem Solving, Analytical Thinking, Drawing 178 47

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