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Catalog of Learning Labels

Created Audience Title Provider Description Skills Skill Points Views
7/25/2024 HS Urban Visions PBLWorks Develop a sustainability plan to ensure a selected region is future-ready Civil Engineering, Organization, Social Perceptiveness, Community Outreach, Research Emerging Trends, Analytical Thinking, Novel Thinking 177 289
7/25/2024 HS Identify Hunger in a Community PBLWorks Create informative and persuasive messages to educate the local community and get them involved in addressing the issue of hunger. Technical Writing, Advocacy, Research, Community Outreach, Creating Promotional Materials, Social Research, Social Perceptiveness 177 259
7/25/2024 HS FuturEd: AI in Education PBLWorks Research on the benefits and challenges of using generative artificial intelligence in education and present the results. Research, Technical Writing, AI, Critical Thinking, Debating, Teamwork, Evaluate Performance 178 300
7/25/2024 HS Ultimate Design Challenge PBLWorks Use the engineering-design process and geometric modeling to redesign a product’s packaging to render it more sustainable. Engineering Design, Packaging Engineering, Mathematics, Prototyping, Problem Solving, Analytical Thinking, Drawing 178 269
7/25/2024 HS Principles of Professionalism and Ethics PBLWorks Identify professional ethics in the workplace. Critical Thinking, Ethical Compliance, Observation, Social Perceptiveness, Social Research, Professional Communication 181 307
7/25/2024 HS Hands on the Land PBLWorks Investigate the roles that different public interests play in affecting land use policy in the United States by studying controversies over land use. Research, Social Research, Debating, Critical Thinking, Public Speaking, Team Building 182 327
7/25/2024 HS The Scoop on Our Stuff PBLWorks Research the origin of various everyday products/popular brand-name items and their costs. Economic Analysis, Research, Product Accounting, Cost Accounting, Product Evaluation, Observation 182 283
11/1/2023 HS Arduino MPPT Solar Charge Controller Instructables Build an Arduino based Solar MPPT charge controller. Engineering, Mathematics, Troubleshooting, Physics, Monitoring, Problem Solving 182 716
7/25/2024 HS There's an App for That PBLWorks Create mobile app designs that help to address an authentic challenge in their community. Prototyping, UX Design, UI Testing, Teamwork, Research and Development, Product Discovery 182 279
7/25/2024 HS Crash Course! PBLWorks Identify situations in which individuals need protection from collisions or impact and then propose and build protective solutions. Physics, Engineering Design, Prototyping, Product Evaluation, Technical Writing 188 302

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